Teacher Protocol

Many people can remember their favorite teacher, but everyone remembers their worst. These teachers insulted your intelligence and made you despise school. For them, the methods of crushing your dreams and derailing your goals are nothing but protocol.

Weekend Work – Clearly a direct result of the no sex life, these teachers offset their tension and misery by making you miserable. Since they stay alone at home of Friday night grading papers, they want to make you stay home and study for Monday’s test and 10 page paper.

Quizzes Are Given Daily – It seems the sole purpose of these quizzes are to assure the teachers superior knowledge of the subject and your “don’t give a fuck” attitude.

Don’t Be Late – they take it as a personal insult, and are sure stop class as you walk in. A silent classroom, everyone grilling you as you take the closest seat. Your supposed to be the asshole, but this over-reaction to your slight disturbance shows only a small fraction of how big a dush bag the teacher really is.

They Know You Don’t Know – that it is exactly why you were called on. They have a passion for calling out your bullshit. Still even with a good answer, it’s never actually right. They will try to correct, scrutinize, and misinterpret everything you say.

The Real World – They constantly remind you that things are not going to be this easy in the real world. Ironically this is the same “real world” they have been avoiding all their lives.

Whoop Your Ass – they are absolutely outraged they can no longer paddle students. Once their main source of discipline and teaching, they now substitute physical pain with verb abuse and public embracement.