NLP: Turn Positive Thoughts into Positive Action

Like us at RBG, we’re pretty sure that you all want to live happy, inspiring and fun-filled lives that are full of endless adventures.  You also probably wouldn’t mind being able to take the route to get the results that you want in all areas of your life as well as possess the secret that all successful people know, right?  That’s what we thought.  So check this out, we’ve got the answer for the way to create your ideal future.  We’re about to tell you about a secret manual to your brain that will, if used consistently and with passion, help you make sense of reality, influence others with integrity and give you the ultimate toolkit for learning and profoundly guiding personal change.

It’s called NLP.  It stands for “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” and it breaks down into 3 following definitions:

Neuro is about your neurological system.  NLP is based on the idea that we experience the world through our senses and translate sensory information into thought processes, both conscious and unconscious.  Thought processes activate the neurological system, which affects physiology, emotions and behavior.

Linguistic refers to the way human beings use language to make sense of the world, capture and conceptualize experience, and communicate that experience to others. In NLP, linguistics is the study of how the words you speak influence your experience.

Programming draws heavily from learning theory and addresses how we code or mentally represent experience.  Your personal programming consists of your internal processes and strategies (thinking patterns) that you use to make decisions, solve problems, learn, evaluate, and get results.  NLP shows people how to recode their experiences and organize their internal programming so they can get the outcomes they want.” (Excerpt from the “Dummies” book by Romilla Ready and Kate Burton).

So, in a nutshell, there IS a way to achieve all the amazing dreams you have always had.  You can truthfully work towards something great in your life by beginning to think very optimistically and turning your positive thoughts into positive action. NLP essentially suggests that you can easily gain control of your mind and begin to guide it in the positive direction by simply opening up the doors of communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.

How does that work you might ask?  Well it’s a little tricky.  You see, as Ready and Burton state in their research, “your unconscious [which is the part of your brain that controls your body movements, breathing, blinking, etc…stuff that you don’t even think about] can’t process negatives.  It interprets everything you think as a positive thought.  So if you think, ‘I don’t want to be poor,’ your unconscious mind focuses on the ‘poor’ and, because it doesn’t do negatives, the thought becomes ‘I want to be poor.’”  So the best way to start thinking is “I want to be wealthy,” for instance, or “I want to be happy” and “I want to lead a fun life.”  These self-thoughts, if repeated constantly, will actually trick your subconscious mind into believing them whole-heartedly!

Furthermore, your unconscious mind needs direction, because otherwise it’s like a lost “little monkey leaping from tree to tree” aimlessly and with no positive purpose.  In order to do this, you must begin to consistently and daily have your conscious and unconscious minds communicate.  The closer you can get to synching these two parts of your brain the better you will be at building the exact kind of life you have always strived for.  One of the best ways to begin doing this is through daily meditation.  Sounds simple, but it must be performed on a consistent basis and it simply must be from the heart; you have to truly want to gain control of your mind because once you do, you will see that you will be able to do extraordinary things you never thought yourself capable of…but they DO happen!

NLP is ultimately the idea that you can train your mind to think positively throughout your whole life and stay happy and peaceful in any situation, and be able to execute those thoughts and actually put them to action, making all your wishes come true and beginning to live the life you have always wanted.  So if you’re truly interested in knowing how it works and where in your extraordinary life NLP can take you, definitely check it out and read any of the countless research pieces on it that show how incredibly effective and life-changing it is!   Go read it, learn it, practice it and start living that awesome and rewarding life you have always deserved!

[Research courtesy of “Neuro-linguistic Programming” by Romilla Ready and Kate Burton & John Wiley & Sons, LTD.]