For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past 5 years; Fall Out Boy came together in 2001 in a small suburb of Chicago with a goal in mind; they were going to make it. General Pete Wentz had a dream and had an army of Fall Out Boy’s ready to pursue it. After gaining respect from Chicago with their release Take This to Your Grave, they moved on to world domination. Their next album, From Under the Cork Tree proved to be a huge success and put Fall Out Boy on the top of everything. Of course, from the fame came shady rumors and images floating around the internet. All Wentz has to do was write about it.
On Infinity on High , there are signs of a much better-rounded Fall Out Boy. With some tracks produced by Babyface and another track featuring Jay-Z, this is a Fall Out Boy album that couldn’t have been made without a sense of humor, an open mind (and a few connections). Although Infinity on High does have the same Fall Out Boy sound that most of us have grown to love (and some grown to despise), there is a sense of pushing the boundaries of the “pop-punk” genre and throwing in more danceable melodies. The overlying result is a fun-filled album that is meant for fans of Fall Out Boy, if your mind is already made up about them, this album won’t change your mind.
release date: Tuesday, February 6, 2007