These scenes encapsulates the Sonny Corleone character, played by the bodacious James Caan. He solves family issues with public displays of violence and power. While they come from a place of love, in trying to fulfill his father’s shoes and protect his family, ultimately his brashness gets him killed and puts the Corleone family at risk. James Caan plays the character perfectly, with all the cockiness out front but some timidness behind closed doors. In many of the deleted scenes you can see his acting prowess. He was unhappy with Francis Ford Coppola’s decision to remove many of these scenes from the final cut. These are the top 10 James Caan (Sonny Corleone) scenes in The Godfather.
1. Sonny beats up Carlo
2. Smashes camera & throws money
3. Nice college boy
4. We don’t discuss business at the table
5. Wartime consigliere
6. Send somebody with him anyway
7. Sonny visits Connie
8. Country ain’t your blood
9. I don’t want my brother…
10. Sonny is killed R.I.P. James Caan (1940-2022)