For those of you who don’t know who Lupe Fiasco is, think about Kanye West’s hit single, Touch the Sky. West helped out his fellow Chicagoan by putting him on his album, Late Registration. This was one of the first appearances to the spotlight Fiasco received, and it certainly isn’t going to be his last.
Lupe Fiasco’s, “The Cool” is a different kind of rap album. Its for the rap fan that is growing sick of rap MC’s constantly raving about themselves for every second on their albums. Fiasco offers something more for his fans; genuine tales about the streets and the rap game.
“The Cool” has every component of a good rap album, its fierce, fiery and urgent. It addresses issues that seem to not only be plaguing the rap game and the streets but Fiasco’s own sense of being. Tracks such as, Dumb it Down contemplate the absurdity of the music industry’s heavy emphasis on MC’s abusing the same old themes that seem to sell records; drugs, sex, and violence. While other tracks, such as Little Weapon (Produced by Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump) and Intruder Alert bring to light issues of the real world that aren’t exactly glamorous, but extremely important to keep in mind.
If you are looking for a sober, intellectual rap album that addresses important issues as well as providing songs that are right for any party, look no further. Lupe Fiasco’s “The Cool” provides to be a very well rounded rap album.
release date: Tuesday, December 18, 2007