Chicago’s own Alkaline Trio are back in the spotlight with their latest release, Agony & Irony, which also happens to be the Trio’s first album on a major record label. I can hear you squirming in your seat right now. Don’t worry, the band’s independent to major label transition doesn’t show any negative influence.
However, it does show a perfect continuance to the Trio’s previous release, Crimson. There’s a clear evolution without compromising the essence of their style. The Trio seems to be right on track with their intuitions, crafting an album that sounds extremely fluid and natural.
Agony & Irony shows a side of Alkaline Trio that has moved past the drunken rants (worded perfectly through front man Matt Skiba’s dexterous metaphors) and has moved on to a more matured, laid back pop-punk agenda. Their evolved sound is much more crisp then past Trio anthems but lacks the bitter edge that contributed to the Trio’s signature style.
first track off Agony & Irony entitled “Calling All Skeletons” is a crisp, upbeat anthem that is quick to have you hooked on the rest of the album. There is no breaking point on Agony & Irony but a fluid mixture of more mature anthems outlining the Agony and irony of life and mainly, love.
release date: Tuesday, July 1, 2008