Most people have come to believe Earth’s melting ice caps and rising temperatures are caused by humanities disregard to the climate and the natural balance of the Earth. But over a decade of planetary studies suggest that this might be more myth than fact, as Earth is not the only planet feeling the heat.
While CNN and Fox news are busy backing Al Gore in his campaign against SUV’s and carbon emissions, it turns out all this media hype may not hold up so strong against the obvious facts. For the past three summers, ice caps on both Mars and Earth have simultaneously been shrinking. This suggesting that the major cause for global warming is not from the increasing size of human’s carbon footprint.
Instead, scientists are finding out that the “problem” might be much more natural than the major media would have you believe.
Scientists have long known that Earth cycles through periods of warmth to times of cold and back to warmth, creating a consistent flux and shift in balance. It seems now we are living in a time of drastic warming: And as the planets shift and change, so does the sun. As scientist are finding, the sun also undergoes periodic shifts in the amount of radiation and heat it emits. It is these “solar cycles” that account for a large majority of all the climate change here on Earth and Mars.
“The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars,” says Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia.
“Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it can compete with the increase in solar radiation.”
Although Abdussamatov’s research remains highly at odds with mainstream opinion, and we should not take lightly the increasing release of carbon emissions in the climate, it is vital we keep striving to better understand and question the true affects of our actions. Without fully understanding the reasons for the melting ice caps and the increase of atmospheric temperatures on Mars and Earth, we will never be able to successfully and accurately direct our conversation and restoration efforts toward the environment.