The predictability of irregularity is somewhat of a formula that a lot of bands (mostly hardcore bands) try to emulate. Unlike the rest, The Fall of Troy is extremely unique. They produce the most unique and unpredictable melodies that are both nearly impossible to classify as well as to understand how the band comes together so perfectly in their (what seems to be) arbitrariness. Unlike most bands that go for this artsy, random, unique style, The Fall of Troy produces this type of music in a manner that is way more honest than any other musical group I have heard to date, with the exception of The Blood Brothers.
One truly amazing aspect of the singers in The Fall of Troy is their vocal range. From extremely high-pitched screams to moderately low-pitched vocals, The Fall of Troy’s vocal section is in a category of its own. The dueling riffing guitars that find their way to show up on the majority of the album only complement the vocals.
Keep in mind Manipulator isn’t for everyone. Manipulator is an album that is truly a work of art in which no known influences can be sensed except for one’s imagination. With The Fall of Troy offering a truly unique sound, it is meant for the listener who is bored with the mundane repertoire of the local radio station and is willing to hear what genius is out there playing packed small concert venues.
release date: May 1, 2007