It’s your first impression, with the right drink you might get a second. Ordering the right drink for the right girl is not always the easiest task. Though the drink is can be a guarantee, the perfect girl isn’t. The drinks you order for any girl say a lot about who you are, the girl you want and your intentions. You should know what you’re really buying.
Bottled Light Beer– while she’s sure to accept it, this choice also shows your inability to take any risk.It may be a safe choice but it is also completely forgettable.Before the bar, you go you get drunk at your “buddy’s” house on a case of natty light.You deal with the taste of shitty beer just because you think getting drunk will help your game [even though experience has proved the opposite].Yet, 24 cans of light beer run right through you, leaving you with a notorious record for pissing all over yourself, the couch, sink, and lady you brought home 2 weeks ago.Although you think you need the beer, it is actually your biggest downfall.If you’re looking for anything more that a few minutes of cheap talk or a lucky one night stand, best to you buy a better drink.
Draft Full Beer– be sure, this drink will not win over all girls.It says a lot about who you are and the girl you’re trying to find.You enjoy the more casual approach to drinking, appreciate the taste of a good beer and so should your girl.Forget counting calories, you need a girl who can hang with the guys, watch some football and shut down your friends when they try to act hard.She laughs at guys wearing pink and hates it when you call her “baby”.Though she’ll probably make fun of you; don’t be discouraged, it’s merely a test.As long as you keep her in check with a few quick wit remarks of your own, she’ll love you and the drink you bought her.
On the Rocks– you want to look like a baller, distinguished and calm, a veteran to the game.Though she probably won’t like the drink, who cares, you’re a baller and that what she really cares about.Confidence is your key.Order the drinks you like, play the songs you want to hear, and entertainer her with a story.Remember: always keep the ball in your court, stay in control and constantly just out of reach.Like a dog following a cookie trail, give just enough to intrigue her to more then one drink.Ordering on the rocks requires a level of game most men cannot play, yet with a few good stories and the right amount of self-assuredness, your success has no limits.
Shots– a risky choice, use with caution.She’ll probably take it but she might not need it.Shots are often the game changers of the night, able to take you from the dance floor to the bathroom floor in a matter of seconds, its important to stop yourself before shit hits the fan.Above all, the timing of this drink is more vital than the selection.Avoid ordering shots toward the end of the night, most likely both of you are drunk enough, plus anymore may inhibit performance later.Shots aren’t always the best choice, yet if well managed through out the night, they will add a well balance of confidence and distorted judgment.