If you are looking to increase your endurance, speed, grip and power of your punches and are looking for another aspect for your workout, consider shadow boxing with weights. Shadow boxing, the act of boxing as if you are in the ring but with no opponent or speed / heavy bag involved is imperative if you are trying to hone your style, balance and accuracy in boxing.
Adding weights to this classic workout is the next step up. Keep in mind, I’m talking 1-3 lb weights, so if you have the opportunity to buy weighted gloves, thats much easier. Anything above 5 lbs, will slow you down and force you to use other muscles which will possibly strain or pull them. So, its very important you don’t strain yourself with heavy weights – it’s much more beneficial to shadow box for a longer time with a lower weight then to only throw a few sloppy punches and be completely fatigued.
3 Sets of about 2 minutes or 20 punches while gripping a 3 lb weight will do wonders for your strength, endurance and confidence in what might be a threatening physical altercation, as well as increase your grip which will add weight and power to your punches.
Take a fish oil pill daily if you are concerned about your joint health – this is sure to help.
Check out this video for further explanation: